Mar 5Liked by Sara Hagerty

Congratulations on your book, Sara! I've been slowly but steadily reading through it and its message has been on my mind all day. I was given the opportunity today to be almost kid-free, minus the nursing baby, and I had a few ideas for special things I could do in town that I can't easily do with our whole crew. Instead, we had our second vehicle die before my husband needed to go to work, so baby and I are at home for the day. My jogging stroller is in the vehicle he took and the baby is extra fussy, limiting me to the rocking chair. It's not gone at all how I hoped. I have definitely shed some tears and been sad, but I am trying to look at how the boundary lines, that I wouldn't have chosen, today might be a gift, and being honest about my feelings with Him. And I have a little extra time to read more today, and I look forward to that. 😊 Thank you for your work in sharing your *timely* message. It's a gift, for sure!

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Mar 7Liked by Sara Hagerty

Your book arrived yesterday—can’t wait to start reading!

Another interesting point about CS Lewis (which you may already know) is that while he was writing most of his books, he lived with his deceased wartime friend’s demanding and bitter mother, and was constantly interrupted by her insipid requests for help around the house. So not even longtime childless bachelors have the Shangri La experience with the creative life. Most times it seems it must be eked out in the margins.

God bless you and your family as you celebrate this newest milestone!!

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Mar 6Liked by Sara Hagerty

I was so excited to see my book arrive yesterday! I have wished that I could join for the earlier videos, but life didn't allow. -my limitations, I guess! So ready to read!

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Mar 6Liked by Sara Hagerty

Yay! Happy birthday Gift of Limitations!! So thankful for you and this book!!

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Mar 6Liked by Sara Hagerty

Congratulations on another masterpiece.

A real gem 💎

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Mar 6Liked by Sara Hagerty

Truly Sara, reading the book and just as you launched yesterday, it was and is warfare , to live daily and answer yes to Him

Thsnk you for sharing..

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Mar 6Liked by Sara Hagerty

Thank you, Sara. It is a gift!

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Mar 5Liked by Sara Hagerty

Congratulations, dear Sara. You're such a wonderful wordsmith, my friend. It's such a pleasure to read your words. Like you, this is my favourite book of yours. I hope you're able to enjoy the rest of the week.

Big love to you, Nate, and the H7. x

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This: "Perhaps in the most challenging, most limited times, we were made … to amplify beauty." Thank you.

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Sara you are amazing how you can write so eloquently with all the distractions and people in your life and find the time is one thing, but the deep thoughts that come through your wrt. You are one of my favorite authors. Thank you so much!

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Congratulations, Sara (sorry for misspelling your name at first- I DO know you are Sara and not Sarah. Don't know why I did that..so sorry!).

Thank you for persevering in the trenches to gift us such a beautiful book. I am moving through it slowly, very slowly. But it's that slowing that is plunging me deep into the heart of our Father. He's ministering to me in deep and profound ways, and to friends through that too, as I share with them what God is doing.

So very grateful for you. Every single book of yours has come at a pivotal moment in my life, speaking life into me. Thank you for your obedience. May God bless you abundantly.

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Wow. How wise to compare writing about Jesus to wartime— especially in this age of distraction. I’ve loved your other books and can’t wait to read this one. Thank you for bravely fighting to get the important writing finished.

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