Jan 4Liked by Sara Hagerty

What is it about that line that gets drawn between 11:59 pm of one year and 12:00am of the next that we have imbued it with such power, like it’s dipped in magic, able to undo all that was before and project perfection on all that comes after? There’s such excitement and such hope (an oppressive and terribly unrealistic amount)attached to that flip of the page. But it’s there because we NEED it, it’s our true hearts yearning for what we KNOW should be…restoration. We are always, always searching for restoration. And that “new year” just feels so perfect for achieving it. Most of us have let the lure of our human flesh lead us to believing we can have that new year, new you just by trying harder, planning better. And it is so hard when the roll-over includes all the baggage, then nothing feels new, just so flat and old. Restrictive and suffocating. After a “season” of three really hard years that appear never ending, and now turning 50, I’m finding the only way to navigate this journey is to do the next small thing..then the next…all while trying to focus on capturing those little joy moments before they slip away, record them, so I have them to look back on as signs of God’s mercy and grace. Because new year, old me is a cycle that can really drag me down and I need words of truth to feed myself in the moments where I find myself binging on lies. So here’s to a year of looking for the little joys and doing the next small thing until this season passes.

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Jan 4Liked by Sara Hagerty

Thanks Sara, for again expressing so beautifully-poignantly what most of us are feeling as we press on together toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. While our prodigals are still in the far country and we’re trying to navigate-figure out this aging season…clinging to The Truth that He is with us, for us, will bring us safely through…and remains our joy, hope, peace in this waiting. 🎄🙏

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Thank you, Sara, for your consistent vulnerability and honesty.

I'll be honest, the only old thing I feel like I'm carrying into the new year that I would like to put down is ... loneliness. My life is full -- full of love, friends, family, good food, a good job, and a very good God. And yet as I approach thirty and the same old nagging ache in my heart longs for another person to walk alongside me as a balm, I feel tired. I know there will always be another unfulfilled longing, and that right now is a time to learn to carry it faithfully. Yet you ask, and that is my response. I am grateful, yet tired.

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So interesting how you tie loneliness and the long ache of waiting into being tired. It’s so true that our long waiting can weary us.

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It is wearying, yes -- and yet not in the way that a pointless burden is so, but more as of a heavy load that I know has its purpose. Having trust in the One who allows the weight makes all the difference.

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Well said

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Jan 5Liked by Sara Hagerty

Once again, THANK YOU, sweet Sara! ♥️

You seem to always find the words to what my heart is feeling. I, too, have had a past year of confinement unlike any other before, and friendships certainly look and feel different. I appreciate you making me feel like your friend here. ♥️

(I feel confident we would hang out if ever our travel radii increased 😉 A little nugget … we just welcome our 7th child and named him Keller in memory of our beloved brother. I smile each time I hear you or Nate mention Tim Keller’s sermons.

I also think our husbands would find great encouragement in one another, too.

Man, especially after this doozy of a year! Ministry can be so hard and humbling! 😩 Hence your heart-words meeting me right where I am … )

Thank you. Exponentially THANK YOU♥️

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Keller!!! What a wonderful name!!

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Jan 5Liked by Sara Hagerty

I am itching for April to get my hands on your new book! 😄👏 Along with spring sunshine on my face! ☀️🌸

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Jan 5Liked by Sara Hagerty

Thank you for writing this, Sara! Your words so often seem to be straight from His heart to speak so clearly to me.

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Jan 4Liked by Sara Hagerty

Thank you for putting your thoughts into words and gifting it to us (and my soul). Thankyou!

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Jan 4Liked by Sara Hagerty

This is so good!

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Thank you, Bethany.

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Nicely done, Sara!

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Thank you, Tony.

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So good!! Need to memorize this! 🥰

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