Or perhaps today, the exact words you needed to hear will land in your inbox after a morning of confessing your fears to God, lamenting your lack of trust, begging Him for more, doing your best to cast your cares on Him, and praying that His joy be made complete in you.

Honestly, Sara, are you reading my prayer journal?

Eternally grateful for your hard fought wisdom and compassion.

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this is very sweet encouragement for me today, B. Thank you.

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Sooo good! A much needed reminder as I watch our young adult children begin lives, job searches, new jobs etc. It is far too easy to imagine "worst case" scenarios instead of dwelling in the security of our loving father, knowing that he is faithful and will guide them in their steps. I just need to remember, dwell and trust......❤️

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oh girl, yes. Us too ... we're right there in that season.

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Oh friend . . .walking that same path and your willingness to let us watch helps me know I’m not alone. Thank you for this 💜

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So much crossover in the loss and the rebuilding our hearts

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So good! I wonder though, would we ever really know true joy without the presence of fear. Just as light shines brightest in the dark. Thanking God for His glimpes of grace that enable of us to choose! I choose joy! Moment by moment!

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such an interesting thought ... love it

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So guilty of this...sabotaging joy 😔

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Missing you in the morning classes!

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Joy…Fear ⬆️Jesus - Life is filled with both joy and fear but looking to Jesus, reading God’s Word, giving it all to God. That’s where we can find peace and hope and more!

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Sara… I don’t even know what to say. My mind is absolutely blown! 🤯 This was so good! Such a rescue!!

Between my therapist talking to me about how everything we do serves us some way (ouch!) and Brené Brown’s stuff on vulnerability shudders (so good!), I’ve been living part of this out -or maybe I should say partly living part of this out- for years now. And it’s changed everything. But…

But what you said about my fear being the number one threat to my joy is just rocking my world!!! Like what??!!! And of course! And how did I not see this before?! Because of course every single act of self preservation ends up doing the opposite.

Just. Wow.

Thank you so much!!! And I would loooove to hear more on this topic.

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Oh Sarah, I am living this real time ... writing as I live. (As much as I'd prefer to write ten years after the fact, I've found so often things connect in my mind and heart as I write them.) All to say: yes, I understand.

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Thank you, Sara, for sharing. What a thought-provoking and timely post for me.

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So good! Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your life. ❤️

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Hearing about the possiblities we dread makes me feel seen as I read through your post. I am not alone, after all. Fear is a companion of mine too. Often times, I despise it but somehow know, that it needs to be there for me to fully live.

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I’m very behind on reading and commenting… but I think this was the perfect day for it!♥️

Looking for God showing up each day and choosing the possibility of joy… it’s a discipline of hope. I was telling a friend via Marco Polo this morning “I am cautiously optimistic…” about a situation.

I wonder why I can’t just be “plain optimistic?” I think fear is wrapped up with that too. I don’t want to see myself as foolish again. Fear is a well worn rut. Here’s to being present for joy!

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I hear you!! I’ve been in a season where it “feels” theoretical rug is constantly being pulled out from under me & have to remind myself continually of God’s faithfulness😘

This quote helped me few wks ago 🤗


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I finally got to a quiet spot toread. Oh so true Sara. When fear and dread is framed the way you shared it, you want it to stick around to stablize you.

This was heart warming to read.

Just celebrated 39 years of Marrige ..and took a fall 2 days beforè so all plans were aborted as I am dealing with a new level of pain and some gnawing fears.

So you see what I mean when I said this was heart warming to read.

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Another gift from God via your writing..my very thoughts on fear, joy. Joy has been popping up everywhere the past few days. This was a lovely moment that God shared. I felt seen seen and heard. Thank you!

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This resonates in me. To overcome fear and abound in love, I’m pressing into Christ this season. Writing down verses and storing them in my heart.

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Being freely joyful or joy-filled feels so scary at times! Like, if I really let go and feel the joy, something terrible will creep in and I won't be prepared because I'm busy being joyful. I want to trust more to be free to be joyful!

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Thank you Sarah. I need to read this one several times. Fear serves me in some way. I’d never thought of that before, but it makes sense. I need to meditate on it because it feels like I’m on the brink of a breakthrough.

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