Oct 11, 2021Liked by Sara Hagerty

Thank you for being such an elegant writer! Your words hit home. There are so many similarities in this to my day to day. I appreciate being reminded to bring Him into those moments before we bring in our worldly solutions.

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Oct 11, 2021Liked by Sara Hagerty

What a friend He is!

I'm with you, Sara...desiring His gracious friendship & gentle care.

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This hit home for me in so many ways. Thank you for your transparency in sharing your heart and the thoughts behind actions. And for once again putting into words what I've been feeling for months. Sara, you are a gift.

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Oct 11, 2021Liked by Sara Hagerty

Wow, just wow! Not just the content but the perfect description of what it would take for us all to go deeper. Sara, I'm blown away by your ability to pull out the everyday things, lay them before us and challenge us to open our eyes and see something new.

I am guilty of this without a doubt.

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Oh Sara, I so identified with this one! I'm thinking emotional need underlies some of my buying, even while chafing at _having_ to shop for compression wraps and leaf blowers }:-[ What does _having_ to spend for expensive things mean, I wonder? When I want to stop spending, I get hit with "Musts". Its like an attack.

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Ugh you said what I’ve been pushing down, my spending is a pathetic balm for my hurt, trying to soothe my kid’s hurt, using our move as an excuse. It’s not healing anything! Will ask God what He’s showing me about His abundance, and lean into that.

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