Apr 5, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

"Something about knowing where you are makes it easier to embrace it." And, "Hence, I have the propensity to bide my time and thus be easily distracted … daydreaming with a low-grade irritation." These two statements really stood out to me. My husband and I have found ourselves in the "in-between" so many times in the last few years for a variety of reasons - caring for elderly parents until their passing, helping grown children in various ways, even to the managing the delicate balance between the four cats currently in my home - one belongs to my son who is currently in Germany - we find in hard to know "where we are", so we bide our time... I wish I could say we do so always continually growing in our faith and it strengthening us minute-by-minute, day-by-day, but I would be lying. Some days it does to be sure, others not so much. My prayer lately has truly been, "give me this day, my daily bread" and I could certainly add to that, my assignment for the here and now.

Thank you for sharing this... as always, your words hit home. Blessings!

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

"Biding my time — distractable, easily irritated, daydreaming about what’s next rather than being present — versus placing my hand in His and saying, with my mind and my focus “I want to be all in with You, right here” may not look all that different in hours or days, but it makes a world of difference inside the minutes." Yes. This. "daydreaming with a low-grade irritation" landed as a near spot-on description of my state of being lately. As I read this, I pictured walking hand in hand with the Lord - and realized how much placing my hand in His is *abiding* and that is the ONE thing that can make the difference I need in life. I once daydreamed for this life I currently have - I don't want to miss it by wishing for resolution to continued disruption to what I always daydreamed that makes it easy for me to be only partway present to this life I love...and therefore give less than my best (which leads to its own vicious cycle of struggle & guilt). Jesus, help me abide, to turn off the noise and choose what is in front of me.

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

Thank you for your constant encouraging and yet deeply challenging words…

I am really struggling to accept my job as part of Gods assignment for me in this season and it is definitely taking a toll on me. This jobs provides wel for our family (including great health benefits for my kiddos, my type one diabetic husband, and my current pregnancy,) but I find very little eternal value and would so much rather return to being a stay at home mom or a lower paying “ministry job.”

Prayers appreciated as I wrestle with some of the questions you presented and really ask the Lord to humble my heart and help me see through His eyes and understand more of what this season is about and what He has for me here. 💚

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

I’m not normally one to share comments, but, wow, the Lord knows what we need and gives us the space to share. Seeing Young Life work crew in this letter, I perked up a little with recognition. And then at the end when you mentioned Saranac Lake, I could sense the Lord tugging at my heart. This summer will be 10 years since I was a part of work crew at Saranac as a roustabout (serving tables + picking up some of the random jobs around camp.) It was my best work crew friend that actually introduced me to your words a few years back, praise God!

That summer was one of those milestone moments for my faith. I remember coming home with so much more clarity about who I was and who Christ is - truly amazed by the gospel in that slice of Heaven by the lake. Excited for my ‘assignment’ back in real life.

Life has gone on though, and that assignment doesn’t seem so clear anymore. It feels very muddied- and I still very much miss the clarity from that summer. But my heart feels so encouraged by your words this morning. A reminder that my assignment is still here, it just looks a lot different. And that I can ask God for insight for what it should look like, rather than believing the lie that He’s holding out on me. I’m thankful to have that summer as a reminder that God is faithful, and know that in these not-so-clear times, He and His promises are absolutely still the same.

Thank you, Sara!

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

This is a really wonderful reminder for me today. Thanks, Sara ❤️

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

Great job Sara in expressing how, probably the majority, feel at this present time. We are either afraid to recognize it or to admit it. But God!!! He does see us through the struggles and that brings me back to Psalm 46:10. Thank you Sara that you know we are not alone in this. We are in this together and especially with HIM. Keep looking up!

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

Thank you so much, Sara. I appreciate that you pointed out the bit about not being able to keep up with information, and that things are going so much faster even than a year ago. I feel that so strongly, too many things screaming for attention. I have a real problem thinking I'm supposed to do more than is possible. Such a simple but necessary idea - ask God what is my assignment right now... and stick to that. I'm going to try it. Not the greatest at "hearing" what He is telling me because my own mind is too cluttery and restless and distractable. But I'm going to try because it makes so much sense, and just the idea gives me hope.

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Sara Hagerty

Oh… the word “focus” popped up for me about 10 days ago … it’s been a “sacred echo” since then!!

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I was going through my email this morning and found this exactly when I needed it. It’s been almost one year since I stepped away from full time ministry with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries to be with my two little babies at home. Now that my youngest is one I’ve been feeling restless at home and daydreaming about what’s next. The possibility seem endless! The anticipation of the next big thing almost feels intoxicating. But this gentle reminder that He is also in the mundane day to day, minute to minute is so encouraging.

I needed this reminder to slow down and see His presence right here, right now. But also that I can ask for wisdom in my next step and still look forward to what God will do. I won’t always get right balancing the tension of the here but not yet. But the Holy Spirit is here to guide me.

Thank you for these words!

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I’m just reading this on May 5th and, as always, God’s timing is perfect! I needed to read this TODAY as I have been struggling so much with questions about my assignment and whether I’m actually in the place God wants me or not. Thank you Sara for sharing your heart!

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