"To slow your roll in an attempt to end your efforts to be God, but instead be you, with God inside of you?"

Oooof, that will preach.

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Yes, I came to comment with that same quote!

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This is so good and wise, Sara. My life has slowed just because of our age and circumstances- but the thing that wearies my mind and body is trying to get over the guilt I put on myself for not doing all the things I think I “should” do.

Why is it so difficult to resolve this works oriented view of the Christian life? In my head I know better, but my heart feels I’m not enough.

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Sometimes I wonder if it will take the whole of my life on this side to "resolve the works oriented view of the Christian life" ... these notions die hard, don't they?

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They do indeed. My sweet husband seems to have resolved it in his own heart. He just faithfully does what God pits in his path and is thankful it is enough. He has settled in his heart that God’s love is not dependent on what He does or doesn’t do. Such peace.

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what a word! My gosh, He knows! He knows! He was once in these frail fragile skin suits. Lord i dont want to try to do more and more, i dont want to carry shame that im not enough nor doing enough. Help me with today, may i ponder most on You and help me do what is necessary, with peace, with love.

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yes yes ... He, too, knew this skin.

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Oh my! Your title grabbed my attention...as I came into the office to work...and was saying in my heart...I am just TOO tired! I need a NAP! It made me smile...and then, sigh...I love that His Word reminds me that HE hears my sighs...my prayers without words! Thank you for the sweet reminders! I love the "sowing against a kill-it-with-hustle culture" for we all need to be reminded that we are called to be different from the world that is racing. I will have to share this with Doug! He will love it! He has always reminded me, that my yeses, are no's to something else...perhaps His best, like REST! I have been hearing His Voice in Matthew 11:28 and I want to keep coming, learning and taking from HIM for He is so very gentle and lowly and kind! Thank you, Sara!

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so much affection for you, friend

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Ohforheavenssake . . . I *just* had this conversation with Ken over lunch, as we are day-two- empty- nesters for the first time in 35 1/2 years! And there has been enough hard in the past two/make that eight years, that I should follow in the footsteps of Rip Van Winkle! Why is it so easy to look at everyone else's hard and prescriptively bring compassion and encouragement to tend to and care for, while we don't even think of that for ourselves?! Thanks for the gentle nudge, friend. You are always tucked in my prayers.

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Yes, sallie. So many yeses. This comment especially: Why is it so easy to look at everyone else's hard and prescriptively bring compassion and encouragement to tend to and care for, while we don't even think of that for ourselves?

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Thank you for this. A friend recently asked me a similarly pointed question - what am I going to do to care for myself and my body in some particular circumstances, and it has given me such pause.

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You are right, sometimes when we are so tired we can't go on, we are forced to rest.

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Hi Sara! I'm so grateful for your voice and perspective. This resonates so much and has been apart of a larger conversation my husband and I continue to have as we are learning what it looks like to "shift" to slowness, sabbath, keeping pace with the Lord... I am curious as a homeschooling mama myself to 4 kiddos, how do you help create this space for your family and your own kids? We are continuing to bump up against even the "Christian culture" as you said, when it comes to activity and pace, especially in the world of sports. We want to support our kids and their interest but not at the cost of our family time and spiritual health. There does not seem to be much of an in-between. We long for a different path, but it feels like a lonely road sometimes...Thank you again for your words and speaking into a space where it is so desperately needed.

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Yes, and amen, Sara. I feel it deep in my soul...this call to rest and resist the hurry, to pause and accept the stillness, the solitude...dare I say enjoy it?

Your words are such a gift. Thank you for sharing them with us.

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Amen and yes. I’ve scaled back ALOT after living for 5-6 years in “look where you have been”. Still, the days are full… life, work, ministry, family, friends…. I have embraced my limits as blessings. Still learning though 🥴

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I am still learning, too, Monica ;). so much learning ahead ...

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This is good and hard and true. I am going to be reflecting on this for a good while. Thank you for all the thought and work you to put into this.

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Wow. This was so good, Sara.

It is so true that our culture "rages against the pace of Christ. Our world teaches us to push our limits far beyond what we were made to manage such that we sow into becoming strong, not weak, to reveal His strength … until the skin in which God encased us tells us otherwise."

I resonated with everything you wrote. Your phrase "sowing into becoming strong, not weak" was a new one for me- it made me ponder, and I absolutely agree. So much of what our culture preaches, even Christian culture, is all about the hustle, about not missing out on opportunity (for ourselves or our kids), and it's so hard not to get caught up. Often I feel jealous of the "old days" that you referred to with the clothes on the line , when everything was homemade, but obviously God has us here in this time for a reason. Thank you for sharing- it is another in a long line of encouragements I've read or received lately to listen (and believe) the body God gave me.

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I’m so grateful for your voice. Needed these words more than you’ll ever know. Thank you. 🫶🏻

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Life and death. are in the power of our tongues Becky Dvorak has demonstrated that we can over come this death by exercising our faith and using faith filled words. Also John G Lake has demonstrated that we can when we come to the level of relationship and faith etc. we can attain this. So on these premises I stand to move forward in that by His joy I have His strength even if I don't experience it I confess it and I build up my inner man the spirit and teach my soul man and put my body under in alignment. Of course it is attainable and not meant to confuse but I believe it draws us closer to God for our own journey and answers from Him. Many great men and women have gone into eternity not having this blessing or grace so I am not being super spiritual I just want to know the truth and that will set me free. Thankyou I just don't call it a blessing for myself personally Vitality is a blessing.

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Thank you Sara I will ponder your response. I believe that Paul encountered attacks because the level of anointing he permitted God to be in Him and the revelation HE carried. Many times we suffer afflictions and illnesses and weakness by the fallen world and also in our own stewardship however, Jesus bought it all back on the Cross and I intend to be in this place as others before me. I might have lost the measure of grace because of lack of knowledge and knowing how to treat my temple but in being spirit led and fed by God 's Word and His Holy Spirit I believe that. it is attainable to the. glory of God. Just my current understanding and belief. I believe in that we were never to suffer as we do it was stolen through the first disobedience of our first parents: Adam and Eve and Jesus bought it back. Thank you for challenging me blessings to you continuously

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I am challenged to believe that HE paid it all and shown us we don't have to become sick or tired or worn out Because HE shown us that by becoming renewed in Holy Spirit and looking at His example that HE has overcome we can also.

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Sophia, I appreciate your faith-filled perspective. I tend to look at the following verses as reminders of the way of life on this earth -- that will be FULL of His example and His payment for our sins, but yet still lacking until we are with him in eternity:

John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

2 Corinthians 12:8-9 So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave meBut he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

I have to admit that a perspective like the one you share above has left many of my friends in great confusion when they walk through these "troubles" (sickness, tiredness, etc) that ... are very much like the ones Jesus promised us in John 16:33. Holding on to a sense that they shouldn’t be sick or tired or worn out has left them questioning their faith at large, rather than … what I think has much greater opportunity for longevity of faith, leaning into Jesus from that place of sickness and weakness and tiredness.

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Yes! I'm afraid the American church and some of it's people have somehow lost sight of John16:33, one that the persecuted church lives and breathes.

Reading the challenging book, The Insanity of God!

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